ICT4S 2023
Mon 5 - Fri 9 June 2023 RENNES, France

The international conference series ICT4S (The International Conference on Information and Communications Technology for Sustainability) brings together leading researchers in ICT for Sustainability with government and industry representatives, including decision-makers with an interest in using ICT for sustainability, researchers focusing on ICT effects on sustainability and developers of sustainable ICT systems or applications.

The 9th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S 2023) is organized by the University of Rennes 1, on the Beaulieu campus in Rennes, Brittany, France.

With the main objectives of building the research community, cross fertilizing with others communities (e.g., policy makers, practitioners, artists and the general public) and accelerating research results, ICT4S 2023 will be predominantly in-person. The conference will foster interactions, exchanges both in the research program and with a comprehensive OFF! Program where other communities (e.g., practitioners, policy makers, artists…) will be engaged. Sustainability is of primary interest in the context of an in-person event, with a specific sustainability chair in the organizing committee. A dedicated page is presenting all our actions for sustainability. Note that vouchers for attending and presenting online will be provided for everyone facing exceptional situations, i.e. for everyone facing circumstances outside their control in between the commitment and the conference itself, that prevent the person to travel and attend the conference.

Main conference : 6 - 8 June 2023

Pre-conference workshops : 5 June 2023

Post-conference workshops : 9 June 2022

Registration System Opening : XX XXXX 2023